Monday, September 23, 2013


After creating my flat-plane shape, I realized that I needed to have more explanation behind this idea. In performing arts centers, flat planes are used instead of curves because it's cheaper to build that way. But also.. you can use flat planes to control where the sound goes. I am no acoustician, but I wanted to see if my idea made sense in a functional way.
I made this diagram to explain how sound might move within the space. It graphically shows how the female's voice might travel and how the sound would reach both her and the male within the space. 

Next, I had to face reality about the type of materials I'm hoping to use. I would like to build my shell out of wood, seeing as it would lend itself to this shape and it also has good acoustic properties. Unfortunately, large sheets of wood tend to be pretty expensive. I decided to play around with my shape and see if I could find something that would share the qualities of the diagram above while requiring less material.

smaller shell = less wood = less money = happy grad student

I also ventured onto Craigslist to see if I could find free scrap wood. By mixing the species and finishes of wood, I think this shell could become something that is aesthetically pleasing, as well as functional.

And even if this thing doesn't work, I can use it as a hat for my cat

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