When talking to Professor Nowak, he asked an important question about my current design: "Is this a more a circle or a square?" My answer was that it's trying to be a circle, but it looks more like a square. After more discussion, I realized that if it's trying to be a circle, I should probably make it into a circle. He and I came up with a shape that would hopefully perform well, while being more structurally efficient (or structurally efficient at ALL, seeing as the other one probably would have collapsed on the first person that stepped inside). This design will also save on materials and be easier to put together (and take apart when it comes time to move it).
I will use 4x8 pieces of plywood for the four sides, held together with rods for support. I will drill additional holes into these four panels so air can pass through and this whole thing won't blow away. I will then use a thinner, cheaper material to line the inside. |
I figured I should also shift my existing diagram into this shape to see if it will work the same way.
My next step is to create a diagram from a plan view, to see how sound will disperse horizontally. I also want to take a more creative look at this shape to see if I can add in some of the playfulness that is so apparent in Beck's Song Reader.
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